We often cite 1992 as the last presidential year when the environment was as gloomy and ripe for disruption. 我们经常把1992年看作氛围和现在一样阴暗、随时可能打乱现状的上一个总统选举年。
Exercise induced alternations in the physical or chemical environment of the muscle, then these alternations resulted in direct mechanical disruption of myofibers or subcellular organ. 运动使肌肉的物理和化学环境发生变化进而引起肌原纤维或亚细胞器的结构直接损伤。
Remote sensing survey confirms soil erosion and geological hazards as main ecological environmental problems in Sichuan Province. Such soil erosion and geological hazards have result in ecological environment disruption in east Sichuan. 通过遥感调查进一步印证、明确了四川生态环境存在的主要问题是水土流失及地质灾害,它们影响甚至破坏了四川东部的生态环境。
The environmental dispute mainly refers to the dispute between citizens, citizen and corporation or between corporations, caused by such environment torts as environmental pollution or the environmental disruption. 环境纠纷主要是指公民之间、公民与法人之或者法人之间因环境污染或环境破坏等环境侵权行为所引起的争议。
With the rapid growing process in china, the phenomenon of disordered expanding, environment disruption, resources waste etc of city has been increasingly obvious. 伴随经济快速发展,我国城市无序扩张、环境破坏、资源浪费等问题愈发凸显。
In recent years, rural tourism has flourished throughout China, together with earth-shaking changes in economy, society, environment in rural tourist destination, as well as many negative influences on local environment, especially the problem of environmental disruption. 近年来乡村旅游在全国各地农村蓬勃发展,乡村旅游目的地的经济、社会、环境都发生了翻天覆地的变化,但也给当地带来了诸多的负面影响,特别是环境破坏问题日益突出。
While we are enjoying the fruits of development, we are facing the evil consequence of environment disruption. 在享受着经济增长与贸易发展带来的成果的同时,我们也面临着经济给生态环境破坏带来的恶果。
This thesis is concerned with the disruption management in supply chain environment and two types of disruptions are studied: demand disruption and production cost disruption. 本文的工作主要是应急管理在供应链环境中的应用,主要研究两种类型的扰动:需求的扰动和生产成本的扰动。
The difficulties faced by SMEs under the deteriorating environment of domestic and international economy come mainly from such three aspects as the disruption of international trade, aggregating financial difficulties and increasing production costs. 在国内外经济环境恶化的情况下,中小企业所面临的困境主要有三方面:一是外贸出口受阻;二是融资困难加剧;三是生产成本升高。
The aggravation of the urban river pollution leads to the deterioration of river environment and the disruption to the ecological balance of rivers. 城市河道水污染状况加剧,引起河流环境恶化,河流生态失衡。
This phenomenon not only caused the disastrous destruction of the highway network, induced massive traffic accidents, cut the efficiency of highway transportation, intensified the environment pollution along the highway, but also caused serious disruption to the road freight market order. 超限运输车辆不但对公路路网造成破坏,降低公路运输效率,诱发公路交通事故,加剧公路沿线环境污染,同时也严重扰乱了公路货运市场秩序。
This process includes the gene, environment factors and disruption of intestinal mucosal barrier function, which associated with the regulation of the immune and tissue repairing-related gene expression. 一般认为在基因以及环境因素的作用下,肠道粘膜屏障功能受损,进而导致免疫功能的失调从而诱发免疫性肠炎。这一过程牵涉到许多免疫相关以及组织修复等相关的基因表达的调控。
Business environment of economic globalization and increasingly complex supply chain structure make this vulnerability more exposure to the uncertain events or disruptions, and also challenge the risk and disruption mitigation capability of supply chain system. 经济全球化的商业环境和日趋复杂化的供应链结构,使得这种脆弱性在面对不确定事件或突发事件时更易暴露,也使得供应链系统抵御风险和突发事件的能力受到极大挑战。